Product description
Includes 1 - hand pump and 2 - empty 4 oz bottles
Opti-Lube is the ultimate in performance diesel fuel additives, dedicated to protecting your equipment by providing exceptional lubrication in the fuel system.
Summer Lube +Cetane is our best diesel fuel additive for warm weather and your wallet.
Improving Lubricity is just the beginning, this product also improves efficiency, cleans injectors, and boosts cetane by 5 - 7 points.
“Why do I want higher cetane in my diesel fuel?”, you ask – By increasing the cetane number of your fuel you improve cold starts and reduce engine noise. By reducing the ignition delay cetane causes a more complete burn, this commonly results in increased MPG. Generally, diesel engines operate well with a CN from 40 to 55. As mentioned earlier, fuels with a higher cetane number have shorter ignition delays, providing more time for the fuel combustion process to be completed. Hence, higher-speed diesel engines operate more effectively with higher CN fuels.
Benefits Include:
- Boosts Cetane by 5 - 7 Points
- Enhanced Lubricity for Reduced Fuel System Wear
- Improved Fuel Economy
- Increased Power
- Reduced Deposits
- Reduced Emissions
- Prevents Rust & Corrosion
- Cleans Injectors
- Improved Storage Stability (More than doubles storage life of diesel fuel)
- Improved Water Separation
- Compatible with all vehicle emissions systems